The Call of Reveille
August 12, 2024
My husband and I have referred to this past summer as the “Puppy Tsunami Summer.” The tropical storm started with our spring litter of seven mini Aussiedoodles from Emma and Ollie. The hurricane developed into a tsunami on May 25, Labor Day weekend, when Luna gave birth to 10 Aussiedoodles. Just 24 hours later, Ivy gave birth to 11 mini Goldendoodles. All pups and mamas were healthy and thriving, and we were exhausted. Twenty-eight puppies needed round the clock attention and care. Cameras help us to keep an eye on the puppies at all times, but there is no rest from cleaning and feeding.
Caring for 28 puppies
At dawn we begin our day with first taking care of the mamas. To meet the demands of large litters, nursing mamas need constant feeding. They need to be bathed almost daily (birth is messy). Whelping sheets need to be changed several times a day. And our other breeding dogs need to be fed, exercised, moved to outdoor play areas, and loved. We also have four horses that need to be fed, exercised, moved from stalls to pasture, etc. From sunrise to sunset we are cleaning, feeding, and moving animals. Our days are full and we love the work.
Whelping (Birthing) of Pups is Miraculous
Each litter of puppies allows us to experience the miraculous. We are in awe observing the nurturing instincts of each mom as they vigorously lick, nuzzle, and nurse their newborns. Watching the process never gets old. Even after 28 puppies in a very short period of time, I look forward to another litter. That being said, I would prefer that our females stagger their heat cycles! We frequently joke about our females living together as college freshmen in a dormitory. Their cycles sync to each other. So, we have several litters at the same time, and months without a single litter. We have adapted to the chaos and the quiet.
Every Puppy Has a Story
As soon as the pups are born, I begin taking notes. I record weights daily, observe developmental milestones such as walking on all 4s, eyes opening, vocalizing, using potty trays, etc. I provide each new puppy family with these notes and share any stories about their chosen puppy. For example, “Birdie” was exceptionally small at birth. She had the appearance of a naked baby robin and was similar in size. But she immediately gasped for breath and was able to suckle. I supplemented with colostrum and made sure she had ample time to nurse before her significantly larger siblings pushed her off a nipple. She thrived and became one of the most affectionate and endearing puppies in the litter. I shared her story with her owner. The bond developed quickly and “Birdie” who is now “Rosie,” has the perfect home with an empty nester who wanted a puppy that would be devoted to her.
Every Person Has a Story
Sometimes, I have the privilege of hearing a family’s story. I delivered a puppy to Texas to a young family. They named their puppy, “Teddy.” Teddy was an easy puppy to carry on an airplane. He was quiet in his carrier at my feet for the entire flight. The family agreed to meet in baggage claim. Teddy was on a leash after I arrived at baggage claim, so we were easy to find. The family approached the puppy and Teddy immediately gravitated towards one of their young sons. He jumped and licked and played with the boy as he sat on the floor giggling and squealing, “Teddy!” His mother told me that this son was mostly nonverbal, but that day he said several times, “Teddy! Teddy!” This mysterious connection between Teddy and the boy was stirring. I heard recently from the father and he said that every day when he picks up his two boys from school, the first thing they tell their parents is that they want to see Teddy.
They planned to get a puppy
One of our puppies went to a woman recently widowed. She shared with us that she and her husband were planning on getting a puppy, but he died unexpectedly. Her children felt that carrying out the plan of getting a puppy was important for their mom’s healing. The daughter in law, granddaughter, and mom came to see Ivy and Alfie’s litter of mini Goldendoodles. As we were looking at puppies playing in the pen, she was drawn to the puppy that ironically shared her husband’s last name. It was a very pretty female black puppy with brown markings. She said that perhaps the puppy’s name was the reason she was so drawn to this dark puppy. Then she told us that for some reason, her husband wanted the name “Layla” for the dog they would choose. He always wanted a puppy named Layla so she would honor that wish. I asked her if she knew the meaning of the name. (I happen to know the meaning of the name Layla because my beautiful brown skinned granddaughter shares the name). I told her the name means “dark beauty” and perfectly suited for a little black and brown puppy. She said that this couldn’t be a coincidence. She knew that somehow the divine played a hand in finding her Layla.
Soldiers and Comrades
26 of the 28 total puppies were reserved for their new families before the eight week mark when puppies are typically sent home. This was not the case for Soldier, a mini Goldendoodle, and Reveille, a standard Aussiedoodle. Soldier just recently was discovered by a woman who was looking for an emotional support animal. After several conversations, she shared with me that she lived alone and needed an animal companion. She was grieving the loss of her son and was hoping that a puppy would bring her some comfort. Surviving the sudden and tragic death of her son she said, “I’m keeping his name Soldier. He needs to be my little Soldier.” And what great comrades they will be.
Reveille, for which our remaining Aussiedoodle is named, is a trumpet or bugle call to wake military personnel at sunrise. From the French term Le Réveil it is an announcement of daybreak or dawn. Cat Stevens’ familiar lyrics from “Morning Has Broken” is a Reveille. My favorite verse is the first:
Morning has broken like the first morning
Blackbird has spoken like the first bird
Praise for the singing, praise for the morning
Praise for them springing fresh from the world
Reveille, at 11 weeks old, is still with us. She is bright, cheery, and fresh as her name implies. She’s that student who raises her hand to join in classroom discussions, and always does her homework. She is an eager learner and a pleaser. She is aptly named. She has been here since the “dawn of summer” and she reminds me that life is an abundance of reveilles. As summer comes to a close, I have a fresh start at a new school with new eager students. Every August is a reveille. Every time a family adopts a puppy, it is a reveille.
First Light and New Beginnings
Teddy, the little Aussiedoodle, and his family in Texas are experiencing for the first time what a new puppy can mean to children. Layla’s person has a new relationship with a companion that provides comfort through long nights. Soldier’s person has a comrade to march through the long days. Somehow with a dog, daily reveilles or fresh starts, if you will, can “spring fresh from the world.”
At the end of August, our youngest son, Evan, returns from his deployment in the Middle East. He had a son just three months prior to his deployment. His reunion with his wife and son (and beloved Golden Retriever Poppy) and the rest of his family will be the reveille that we have anticipated. I picture the reunion at the Cincinnati airport as we greet his arrival: He and his wife embrace and exchange a lingering kiss. His one year old son may cry because of the commotion and emotional energy, but Evan will laugh and smile and hold his son as if he could inhale him. We will wait our turn and watch the glory of that reunion. In the back of my mind I’ll be thinking, “Praise for the singing. Praise for the morning. Praise for them springing fresh from the world!” And we will all begin again.
And Reveille is waiting to bring a fresh start and new beginning to a person or family. We will continue to work on her training and enjoy her buoyant spirit as we move throughout our day. Today she went to Tractor Supply (she chose a toy), and then to Starbucks for a pup cup. Then she went to school so that I could gather some things before our school’s open house. She travels easily and travels often. She greets our visitors and plays easily with the other dogs. She, like most puppies, manifest Cat Stevens’ lyrics:
Praise with elation, praise every morning
God’s recreation of the new day.
And that is how little Reveille ‘springs fresh from the world’ each and every day. Our “Puppy Tsunami Summer” will officially be over when Reveille finds her new home.
River and Jett’s litter arrived July 10. It was a reveille, but not a tsunami. Seven beautiful colorful puppies will be ready in early September to bring new beginnings, new adventures, and fresh starts to the families who choose them. SEE Rivers Litter Now
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